The Lost Chance

I for one have given up trying to present reason to everyone, for I know that words are useless at this wretched time, when a place loses rule of law and its upholders, it becomes a living hell, a prison for the sane, awoken by the nightmare as the state takes the first steps today towards the genocide of minorities.

Confronted by the twisted priorities of my fellow inmates in this ideological prison, which once was Pakistan, now overrun by blood thirsty overlords that have hatred in their veins. Why couldn't anyone stop these men, the answer is so simple & in plain sight. Fear.

Pakistanis have accepted their fate, they have accepted that these men, just few of them, have their dominion over us, to play with our blood, we have accepted that none of us is capable of standing up to them, just a few, who attack from the shadows, hiding behind hands of patronage from within us, it is the disease that has tainted our blood from within. We let it in, we nurtured it, and now it kills us one by one.

What we are left with is blood, blood of children, blood of minorities, and blood of common Pakistanis, taken away by evil men, worthless, vile, hideous. If the blood of an innocent child is not enough to melt a heart and stir it into action, nothing can. That was the last chance this populous had to purge itself from this disease, and its been lost.

Thus the outrage, a temporary outburst induced by the natural human condition of empathy quickly surrenders to the disease from within, words of condemnation retain no meaning, stir no soul, break no heart enough to make it scream in anguish & pain, to force it to stop this insanity. So we are condemned to be stuck in this endless circle of Outrage. Condemn. Forget.

While the disease keeps spreading, from minarets, from sermons, from those who have become its personification, the most loathsome, wretched, foul creatures under the sky. This cancer that infects us needs to be ripped apart, its heads crushed, its parts ground to a paste, every single last one of them, every fibre of their being needs to be obliterated, wiped out from the face of the earth.

Thus a reckoning, is needed, but it will not come from within a populous so infected, for they are now powerless, too invested in their greed, ambition, or even ideological parity. When even the common human values of decency and humanity crumble like they have here, it always leads to an inevitable & justified collapse.

For the true believer the answer is on the prayer mat. Others can try to change hearts by words. Try, but it will not work, it cannot work, for these hearts have turned to stone.


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