
Showing posts with the label faith

Wait. let's just breethe.

This summer is the hottest as long as I can remember but tempers run even higher. We see divides being enforced, our biases being re-enforced. I don't want to waste time on arguing on who is wrong or who is right. There are endless arguments & counter arguments and no one is listening to each other. In my opinion, they are all liars (the politicians, the religious gate keepers and anyone who sells faith or hope) and we blindly follow, happy in our preferred echo chambers, but the question which I want to ask is, Is it worth it? Have we learned nothing from history? From logic from knowing how things work? All I know is that, whoever sells hatred is at the wrong side of history. If we try to look at things objectively we find the real cost of it all, the loss of humanity and civility, the very things that separate us from animals. We act like mindless zombies on both sides of the narrative never asking, who does this narrative actually benefit. We argue among ourselves, with our...


Waiting for whispers ignoring the echos holding on to sorrows projecting on tomorrows Healing heart takes time let go of what aches inside for this seedling to grow needs the blessed sunshine It is He who can heal takes the sorrows away fills it with content & joy like new born on that day Trust in Him and call watch the sorrows fall with open heart and faith accept his will and wait For the flowers to bloom they will, you will see and take you higher away from pain agony Just be patient my dear with faith and love when you believe in His love you will see the fogs clear These thought came to me while reading a conversation on twitter and the word "whisper" stuck in my mind.  Every heart sings a song, incomplete, until another heart whispers back.  Plato.

Learn, Repent & Apologize

R eflections left of the past selections that forever last Don't wanna be stuck here time to move on that is clear New horizons await elsewhere shed all the weight you bare For life is a stream of memories some left behind some held dear Regret worse than any poison killing silently from the inside Burdens of the past you carry make shoulders ache at night Time to shed all thats done for a new cycle has begun Learn, repent & apologize a life lesson for the wise

The Lost Chance

I for one have given up trying to present reason to everyone, for I know that words are useless at this wretched time, when a place loses rule of law and its upholders, it becomes a living hell, a prison for the sane, awoken by the nightmare as the state takes the first steps today towards the genocide of minorities. Confronted by the twisted priorities of my fellow inmates in this ideological prison, which once was Pakistan, now overrun by blood thirsty overlords that have hatred in their veins. Why couldn't anyone stop these men, the answer is so simple & in plain sight. Fear. Pakistanis have accepted their fate, they have accepted that these men, just few of them, have their dominion over us, to play with our blood, we have accepted that none of us is capable of standing up to them, just a few, who attack from the shadows, hiding behind hands of patronage from within us, it is the disease that has tainted our blood from within. We let it in, we nurtured it, and now it k...

Retrospect. Introspect.

How can you go about censuring others when you might be guilty of the same.  How quickly we become the Judge and the executioners. A mystic once said, that nothing ever had him dumbfounded but a woman who had a tray in her hands, it was covered with a cloth. He asked her what was in it and she said, why would I have covered it if I wanted this to be known? That was an epiphany which made the mystic really ashamed. This is not just a saying, its a lesson of a life time, that if something is hidden, or you come to know about a wrong doing, don't try to uncover or spread it to others. Don't try to look under the masks we all wear, even if you are certain that the there is something dreadful. If someone has respected you this much that he has presented his best face to you, the least we can do is to accept it. Everyone has demons in their closets which they hide from even themselves. May Allah keep concealing our sins in this world & the next, for if we knew about each o...

ہمارے سجن ہمارے اپنے

ہمارے سجن ہمارے اپنے! ہم لوگ ایک دوسرے کے دوست ،رشتہ دار، خیر خواہ ۔شاید یہ سب خام خیالی ہی ہے۔ کیونکہ جب بھی انسان کو قریب سے دیکھنے کا موقع ملا کہیں نہ کہیں خود غرضی ہی نظر آئی۔  مقابلہ تو ہم کرتے ہی ہیں ۔ اسکے پاس یہ ہےتو میرے پاس یہ ذیادہ بہتر ہے۔ لیکن مجھے جو بات سب سے ذیادہ تکلیف دیتی ہے وہ یہ کہ جب لوگ (شایداپنے) جھوٹ بولتے ہیں اور ہم سب کچھ جانتے ہوئے بھی ان کو وہ کرنے دیتے ہیں جو وہ چاہتے ہیں۔ مجھے تکلیف ہوتی ہے جب لوگوں کے ”معصوم“ سوال بظاہر اتفاقی ہوتے ہیں لیکن جب یہ اتفاق ایک ہی طرح کے حالات میں بار بار ہوں تو وہ اتفاق نہیں بلکہ منصوبہ بند ی کی نشاندہی کرتے ہیں۔ انسان سوچنے لگتا ہے آخر کیوں ۔۔۔ اسنے ان کا کیا بگاڑا ہے جو ان کو جھوٹ اور فریب کا سہارا لینا  پڑا ۔ دل تو یہی کہتا ہے کہ تم جن لوگوں کو اپنا سجن سمجھ بیٹھے تھے وہ کبھی تھے ہی نہیں۔ اور اب جب انسان اپنے ماضی کی طرف دیکھتاہے تو اسے  یقین ہوتا جاتاہے کہ ان لوگوں نے کبھی بھی اسکا ساتھ نہیں دیا۔ تب بھی جب اس نے ان سے مدد مانگی اور تب بھی جب وہ دکھ کی انتہائی گہرائیوں میں تھا۔ تو اب کیسے دینگے۔ج...

Status update

write these words to the tune lets take a ride to the moon forget those impy scorny faces lets look for grandeur in traces she says log off return to me plenty of places where we can be thirsty crow is the story in the books world keeps us hanging with hooks hand me that picture they stole suspended reality in a broken soul happiness a moments endeavour the bitter truth sorrows are forever this song Im singing has no end hymn of the broken ascend blurred screams in the background muted compassion makes no sound numbness of the heart beckons happy to wear these shackles stagnated I can no longer relate emotions compressed status update take my hand for I need you now take a walk with me in the snow you're the respite I always wanted certainly a wish that got granted

Look at what you've done

Look at what you've done - A #visual #poem by Naeem Ahmad Sabir — Naeem Ahmad Sabir (@cybegeek) October 23, 2016 look at where you've been all the love & pain seen lessons of life come undone look at what you've done still you've learnt nothing still you don't listen desires have you in prison in chains that glisten you're hollow at the inside pretend smiles at the outside you preach perfect devotion secret dirt brushed aside someone has to place a mirror to your face how hideous you've become greed lust pride disgrace your worship is theatrical your love is superficial heart made of black stone your life is just artificial

The Dilemma of Certitude

Trying to understand the world around us, what makes people do the things they do, their motivations, their beliefs, is it simply that black and white, what about the greys? 
 Why do we find that most of the times those supposed bastions of faith are the ones the most corrupt. Dont these people understand the precept of their own belief system. What makes them not practice what they preach? The answer to this question unlocks the deepest mysteries of belief and sin. 
 Unfortunately the dogma that one adheres to does not supersede the universal vice of greed & ego, until there is equality, all the promise of salvation is deluded, a smokescreen to enslave and exploit, regardless of what dogma you adhere to, if in practice there is injustice and there is a clear divide, it is a failure. 
 Here is the stumbling block, when one tries to make sense of what one observes, with logic alone and can be forgiven for thinking that perhaps the purpose of every theological dogma...