
Showing posts with the label peace

When will you see

O mankind when will you see that the pain you inflict is on you and me The ones you make suffer from your wars and borders your own children you murder Why can't you hear their cries when they ache with hunger when a little child dies Why are your hearts made of stone to see and still not feel on the surface you condone The seeds of hatred you sow will come back for you with sirens of death in tow with no mercy in its eyes the past will haunt you when all turns to red in skies hearts will forget beating when stones become dust endless destruction repeating For there is still time to save that one child, that one mother from the hands that enslave From tyranny and from oppression from massacres from regrets humanity's fatal transgression

Wars Within & Outside

I usually stay away from the news and thats by design cause every time there is a new atrocity, my mind starts reeling, I come face to face with the same dilemma again & again, if you speak up no one listens, yet can't stay quiet as well, too much bloodshed all around, the soul slowly becomes numb, while the killing & bloodshed in the name of every possible deity continues, on to the next atrocity & the next. Outrage expressed in the form of words on a computer screen, What does it achieve... Nothing. Murderers keep roaming free. No one can/will stop them, for everyone has vested interests. Those who need to hear those words, never will & those who read them, choose to ignore. Truth. It doesn't phase anyone anymore, We see images of unimaginable human suffering due to the cruelty of other humans, we are content with sharing those images with others on social media, a few comments here and there and on to the next post, all that human suffering reduced ...