Words fail me

Don't know what I am feeling

Am I missing someone

Maybe still mourning

Or just reeling

If I mourn what is it

I'm not numb anymore

Is it carnage 

Or is the just existence

Words fail me

Heart aches constantly

What is it that I don't see

What's eating me with glee

I stand but it takes

effort of thousand years

For a moment of laughter

I fight many fears

When I compare 

With what happens all around

My sorrows seem shallow

Much more pain abound

Helpless to lend a hand

I do all I can

Not enough 

I understand

Sometimes I cry

While just talking 

My heart breaks

I cant bare watching

endless suffering

faces frozen in time

Never again will smile

O sweet sweet child

Hard to fathom

100 days of darkness

All lies exposed

When humanity died


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