
Shahadat Report

The hardest thing that I ever have to do while editing for MTA is the Shahadat reports and Documentaries. The viewers get to see only a toned down and tv friendly view of things. I on the other hand get access to actual footage and images and which makes my heart ache with pain. All one can do is pray and hope that the documentary or the report your making makes a difference.

Ramblings of a grumpy young old guy

These days its become too mechanical. Get up get ready do your chores come home eat sleep. I guess this is what they want us to be ... slaves to time. The strange thing which happened for 2 days now is that the drastic electric outage is over now...(I hope) Its the coming of age thing, realizing that your not young anymore, some deny it some wear the new suite of responsibility with pride and some like him HIDE. Hiding in the past, the future in myths or in religion. He is envious of the rest of them ... all of them get to do things He never could or would or should. He with his twisted maybe accurate sense of right and wrong could never do all of that ... but why... He is not special maybe worse in some ways... why would a pathetic looser like him would go to all that trouble... He hates their laughter he finds it hollow, maybe in it whats inside him that he hears.

No Trouble Sleeping?

How can they sleep? Can't they see the faces of the children they have killed and are still killing. The face of the world uncovered to be so hideous and ugly. Blind hatred, greed and lust for power turning people into monsters and while we sleep and enjoy our favourite  TV show, glued by the distractions, they are busy murdering innocent children and we move our eyes away and cover our ears not to hear the screams. Everyone knows who they are and still we comply with what our masters want from us. To be quiet and enjoy the puppet show that is enacted before us. Who will speak up, who will save the children on both sides. We rejoice in our blissful ignorance and bask in the spoils of blood. I for one see my own children in the faces of the images and cant watch... The agony of the parent whose child was murdered ... the bleeding heart of a mother who sees her daughter's separated remains... the daughter who this morning was asking for a new doll. Where is humanity? w

Mac Vs PC

Check this out... I love it. Never knew the battle would come to this ...

Toonnnnter Still !

. Nope not even after one day he's still a tooontttt! Anyway there are some ppl in the world you cant just make happy. I knew of one person like that before but this one takes the biscuit... I salute you SIR your the epitimy of what Im talking about ... Your an agotisitical Mr know it all. Who the hell are you. Wiseguy. You just cant say anything nice about anything can you.... Your a frakin toooont !

Some ppl are just ----------- toooont!

I happened to come across a person sometime ago I won't name the guy cause that maybe trouble for me... But man.... what an asshole... I mean seriously SIR you are an Asshole.... oh man... Some ppl are like so set on their opinions you just cant budge them... My cusin's Nikah function was a few days ago and what the hell ... Same assholicness was there to see as well... I busted my ass and then got fever for two days working in the rain for some body and that some body has the nerve .... Oh I hate assholes... this one that one... all the world is full of assholes. I just want to say frakkk you all you mo...Tooonnt assooo_____ toonts

The Sleepwell Club - My Documentry Project at Rifah

2 more projects I will upload soon...