
The Declining Sanctity of Marriage in Pakistani Society

All around, I see marriages breaking up & a general sense of unhappiness in those marriages which do manage to survive, among many old and known reasons some new ones present themselves. One of the reasons is accessibility, accessibility via technology be it internet or mobile phones or any other means of modern communication & its relative concealed nature has made the prospect of promiscuous behavior within reach. But technology is just a means, what really needs to be addressed is what social and emotional tendencies are behind such behavior. In pakistani society the biggest change that has accrued in the last 20 years or so is the so called opening up of the media reaching into our living rooms. With this influx and saturation of media and the desire to get higher revenues the media has silently abandoned any effort to educate or uphold any semblance of moral decency. What this in turn is preaching is an invitation to decadence and glamorizing wanton behavior to a p

You made me say those words

You made me say those words With your soothing kindness Don't wish to lead you astray Don't wish to ensue blindness Your words fill up my senses You give love eternal timeless Happiness may u always have Smiling brimming contentness If I could give more than words Choices shackle lips to silence

The Tightrope of Chaos ...

As he moved on, the distinction between right and wrong became increasingly blurry and he got lost in his emotions, those feelings suppressed for so long began to surface. While the thrill exhilarated him he was also afraid but not for long. As he fell further and further into the abyss of his emotional vacuum he lost the sensation of fear to a new sensation of being wanted. This sensation became stronger by the minute overwhelming his persona, hit him with fill force of a tsunami. He hoped this would wash away and hide his tears but he couldn't trust anyone anymore... even himself. Was he foolish perhaps yes... but what could he do when faced with a choice between relentless rejection or soothing promise of love. He tries to walk the tightrope ... which he knows leads to chaos ...


Feelin the cold can't decide which is worse this or the one inside At least this has a limit something u can decide For I am the one living a life meaningless joyless subside Do I regret falling having No one to confide Maybe it's my destiny to have bitter grief reside As darkness slowly creeps in silent cries echo inside Looking for a crowd for I have a tear to hide

The Last Gift

To love you is wrong I know feelings as cold as snow can still feel the warmth beside me nothing left to glow I feel the numbness seeping in empty aching heart grows cold you dont even see me now might as well be buried deep within I wish I could stop being sober cant bare to know that its over memories riddle the mind asking why with no answer you will know what emptiness is you will feel what loneliness gives you will look for comforting warmth you will long for lingering embrace wishing ashes could give I will burn until nothing's left you will notice the warmth then never knowing that it is the last gift

An extinction well deserved

Pakistan. I loved the name and when I grew up I loved the idea. Since then Ive accepted the bitter reality that the idea though how beautiful at its inception, remains as fragile. Ive seen many years and have witnessed the decay of morality and humanity seeping away. Things that once were rare and were enough to jog the conscious of a nation, now dont even register. Pakistanis seem to have and endless ability to devise ways to plunder, murder & inflict endless pain thus becoming less then human blood thirsty sadists. A population with no moral values, no human decency invites a destiny of annihilation. No amount of human endeavour can alleviate the collective sickness that runs in the blood. There is no cure for this plague except extinction. An extinction well deserved. When you remain quiet when they murder brothers, mothers and children. When they burn houses and you look the other way. When they spew hatred and you accept. When you dont think and just obey. You don

Shared Sadness

Feeling the numbness seeping in right to the pores nothing left within lifeless eyes stare at me, faces grinning as the soul evaporates and they win you dont know the depth of my grief was said to me aching and crying what to offer there is nothing left some comfort words and praying strange bonds of shared sadness carried through wires paper thin