There goes the concept of family...

People blog for many reasons, some just for fun, some make money from it and some like me need a place to flush it out... these blogs are meant more for one's self than others cause most of time it doesn't contain any useful thing for others...

A lot has happened to me in the last few months... not that Im gonna write about it here anyway but what I can write is that Im constantly walking a tight rope... and I fear that this time Im going to fall...

Im having a kind of writers block ... nothing comes to my mind.. well nothing worth writing here anyway... see even here Im concerned about protecting others and what they might think if they find out what I think of them ...

I leave a few clues here and there for the one who really would care enough to read between the lines... but I know ... no one cares... we all are in it for the "fun" ... as I said on twitter the other day Social networking on the internet should not be called social at all cause its selfish and cruel...

cause what we do is we make groups and segregate as we do in real life...

and its not just social media or the internet ... its our behavior all the time ... for example the use of mobile phones ...

They were supposed to bring us together...

They didn't they have seprated us even further, two poeple sitting in one room, not talking to each other, talking or sms chatting over the mobile fone. Talking to "friends" instead...

... to anyone that we can find who is willing to listen to our blabbing for an hour or so talking about meaning less things over and over again, same things everyday...

I hate those mobile fones and their users...

Seems to me these technologies (while they have their good uses) have separated us and broken the family union ... its everybody for himself now and there is no compassion and that thing we call "Love" living like good roommates.

I figure people living in caves bonded better then we do now... what makes us any better then?


Asim said…
I totally agree with how you said that technology is meant to bring two people closer together, yet it is doing the exact opposite. It was much easier to trust people and make actual "friends" back when mum and dad were kids.

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