
The Recurring Needs

Why do we keep making the mistakes again and again. Why do we keep living the same moments again and again. Its like we are addicted to our pain. Our emotional needs are recurring. Some people wonder why is it like this. What I found out is that this is mechanism by God to encourage us and to give us oppertunities to ask for His blessings...  


I like to use less words. Makes me feel in control and makes you think. Thats what I need ppl to do ... think. Thats what I do.   I need my younger generation to think where are we going. I need them to see how wishes are becoming needs.   I need them to find the truth with me.   Lets Hope.  

The Afterlife

I guess... there was no death and this is the afterlife cause I am still breathing. That's life isn't it ? We say that a person is alive when he breaths...   But still how we live a life does matter... Does it ?   Lemme tell you a story. Its about a person who was alive. Why because that person was meant to be that way. That person always wanted to know why ? Sometimes he thought he knew the answer and sometimes he didn't.   He often wondered what is real truth.. isn't that something that a person can only know after death... then why wait. Why not end it all thus knowing all... but he was afraid ... afraid of the rules that he was sure were real.   So he decided to take another path... the path that he was always told would lead him to his goal.   so he is walking... on a road on which the end is promised to be his ultimate wish to be one with the truth...   will he ever reach there when on every turn there are signs to mislead him ...   he zi

Emancipation of ME

I just want to know when will the cycle end ... is there any hope left ...I am stuck and cant get out it seems like there is no end to what i am going through. It was not like this in the begining ...   The begining was beautiful it was the dew on the soft morning flowers. It was like no other feeling that ever was. I wonder how things are lost so easily. How anything can change and one cant do a thing to stop it.   I know that time heals wounds ... but I dont want the wounds healed ...   I am not sure what I want anymore... nothing is that important anymore... its just a mare existance ... since I exist so I must go on... So I am told again and again ... where ever I go. Why ?   I wonder... how would it be if it were not a sin to .... end it all.   I wish there was someone ...   Sometimes I wonder what would I change in my life so that it would become meaningful and find no answer... it seems nothing is of any meaning to me anymore ...   DEATH


What is a man's worth...   Its how much money he makes. How expensive his watch is...   What about knowledge...Dignity...Rightousness...Truth... What about experiance... What about devotion... What about pation... What about sacrifice...   nope... your nothing if your purse is not filled with whatever is your favorite bank note.   We live in a world where there is one measure of a man's worth. The whole world spins around it. Like dogs after a bone... we run ... trying to catch it... Pushing each other behind.. tripping one another to death if necessary. We Dont care ... we need money. We need it to feed our hunger for more and more things.   Things ... that make our lives meaningfull ... like a watch ... a Mobile fone and Dish washer....   Relations that we stepped over don't matter hearts that are broken by our words dont count.   We need just one thing...   Money.                    

The Pain of silence

Sometimes you just wanna scream, tell the world what's going on inside. But u cant. U cant tell cause that will hurt so many and you will gain nothing. So you keep quiet but what does that achieve for you, nothing but pain and constant misery. You wish you could tell everyone how you've been betrayed, hurt and smashed to pieces. You wish you could tell them how you feel so broken inside and how you cant find a single reason to go on living. You wish you could tell them that everything you ever held dear to you was a lie. You wish you could tell them that you've been betrayed by the single person in the world that you thought could never do that to you. You wish that you could tell them that the notion of family and bonding that you had was shattered at the alter of reality. You wish you could tell them that you want out but cant get out cause you love someone too much to put a life at stake for yours. What can one do? Tell everyone that


I had a simple childhood. There were parents. Family. Friends. Life was simple. Then I grew up and saw people vanish from my life ... One by one all gone. Not that I’m alone now but what I am talking about is that one by one everything I knew that made my life…was my life.... changed. Parents died family & close friends scattered all over the globe. What is permanence then ... just an idea....? Everything that we have … we feel a false sense of permanence for it... we hurt our loved ones as though they may be there when we will apologize. We do selfish acts to satisfy our selves and neglect the needs of others. Life can teach a lot of things to a person but it comes at a cost. The cost of lost time, The cost of lost loved ones that we don’t even realize that we love till they are no more. Some of us try to hold on to the past to the memories that we have, but it becomes harder and harder to live with them since the further we go in time the memory becomes more dreamlike and sweet.